Then and Now

Then and Now is a concept for a photographic album which contains pairs of pictures across many years, even decades. The pairing is not limited to only two pictures. Some examples have several entries from one period and there are examples from four or five (again not limited) time references. The essential purpose is to display how the subjects have changed.

In order to gain a dedicated following for being a photographer, one must develop a style and set of themes which the audience can come to expect and look forward to seeing. To that end, I seek imagery which fits into my collection of photo albums. Then I can point viewers to specific topics which interest them. Periodically, I repost the album reference where the audience is expected to be. Once it a while someone will contact me saying "where are you? I haven't seen anything new for a while." I always have to reply so they know I am still around.

Since not everyone is interested in all my subjects I make an album cover image and link to it via a descriptive and easy to remember URL.



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Photos are copyright by Robert Carlson. Most are available for purchase for personal use. Email for commercial licensing.



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