It just Goes to Show Ya, You Never Know

It just Goes to Show Ya, You Never Know Marketing efforts for any product or service can take off on a tangent at any time. Just when you think your efforts are not bearing fruit, there it is. So it is with my Lens4anEye profile. National Road Toll House I would post a ClickaSnap image link in my Facebook page and on some of the Groups in which I am a member. It would get a view or two here and there. Even by posting an image in one or other of the "related" ClickaSnap Facebook groups would get nary a view or comment. But then one day I pasted the link to my Braddock album in a Braddock, PA Facebook group and the members of that group rallied to the album and generated over 1000 collective views of 21 photos. It happened all in a 48 hour period before the listing aged down their page and out of view. I tried to do the same approach for my Pittsburgh album in Pittsburgh related groups with only minimal results. Other towns and album subject were likewise disappointi...