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Photo Selling Platform

When I signed up for using the photo sharing platform I was drawn to to as a place where I could display my photographs and generate sales of prints. The marketing copy said they were a global operation and people would be able to see my work and go to the integrated Seller Shop to purchase what they had just been seeing. A perc was that people who who viewed my pictures long enough would generate a small revenue. At the Free subscription the amount would be $0.001 per view and $0.009 per view at the Pro subscription level. I opted for the Pro subscription and generated about $180 in the first 12 months. It's not a great deal of money but it does pay for the subscription fee (for the current year and now for 2024).  All the work I did to prepare images was not for the token view-fee but for the exposure being on an international, long established platform would get for my photography. In that first 12 month period 45,000 + views were registered with about 46% of the

Then and Now

Then and Now is a concept for a photographic album which contains pairs of pictures across many years, even decades. The pairing is not limited to only two pictures. Some examples have several entries from one period and there are examples from four or five (again not limited) time references. The essential purpose is to display how the subjects have changed. In order to gain a dedicated following for being a photographer, one must develop a style and set of themes which the audience can come to expect and look forward to seeing. To that end, I seek imagery which fits into my collection of photo albums. Then I can point viewers to specific topics which interest them. Periodically, I repost the album reference where the audience is expected to be. Once it a while someone will contact me saying "where are you? I haven't seen anything new for a while." I always have to reply so they know I am still around. Since not everyone is interested in all my subjects I make an album

The Benefits of Link Shorteners

The Benefits of Link Shorteners Making your links more stylish and readable makes people more comfortable in clicking on them. A long cryptic URL is not inviting. It doesn’t confer any information about where it leads. says that the subject is “Braddock” and it’s an “Album”. The person looking at the link may not know if Braddock is a person, place or thing but the context of the link or the search can narrow the interpretation.   Likewise the word “Album” could be music or photos. Context will again give clues to its nature. When you create a short URL with Bitly  it points to 1 location forever. The second part is yours the /BraddockAlbum part is a unique identifier. For example on the ClickaSnap photo sharing platform file names and album names are not exclusive to until user. Actually, a subscriber can use the exact same title on any number of photos. That is not a wise idea but it works. Within CAS many subscribers may create an Album using the

The Internet Audience

Staying in front of an internet audience is a difficult task.  Even if you were the only one on the only 24/7 channel which could not be turned off, you’d have to attract attention to that channel from all the other audio and visual stimulation being pushed at the audience.  Click here for picture albums The major plot arc of the TV series, Max Headroom (1988-89), was competing media networks which blasted their content to screens all over the city. Each network needed to keep one-upping the others in ratings to keep the advertisers happy and rolling in revenues.  Nobody could ever relax and reap benefits of accumulated standing. The audience was notoriously fickle. Even in the middle of a police chase or 5 alarm structure fire the competition could siphon viewership with a more sensational story.  The story was the essential element, one which was supported by the “footage”. Live cameras would catch raw reality and broadcast it as is.  That near future scenario is now the

In Small Worlds Even a Few Returning Contacts Can Add Up

  In Small Worlds even a few returning contacts can add up Working out how to reach new followers is key to a wide exposure of your content. A few factors help create that exposure.  Click this shortened link The CAS supplied URL is long like this: Make it simple. Long URLs are difficult to remember and are hard to manually type.  Use it often. Ideally every item in your portfolio should be marked with your identity. Your identity should be easy to remember. Even better if it can be spoken as a name or phrase.  Until ClickaSnap adds functionality features which make links easier to use, creating short URLs with shorteners such as makes it easier.  The CAS server system employs a URL format (https://{profile- name}/photo/{a long cryptic string} to display a specific photo. The Bitly shortener can simplify that to{myphotoID.  Similarly the lo

Fascination with doors

Doors A perennial favorite subject of many photographers is Doors.    They are portals to other worlds and other times. Consider the iron and wooden doors of    mausoleums which divide reality and mortality.    They keep the light of the world out and the dark of the underworld in.    Click to go to the Album Church doors, many intricately carved wood, are set in equally intricate chiseled stone facades. They harken to a day when sacred geometry dominated architecture.  Dwellings of all size and style have doors which exemplify the structure itself and the character of the builder. Grand iron gated entrances sit at one extreme while other simple wood panel doors provide minimal security, privacy and protection from the elements.  Even a simple ordinary door can stand out as having character and emotion when its paint is peeling or it is falling off its hinges.    Such scenes evoke times past when a family would have lived behind that panel. Or maybe a factory once hired hund

Active Vs Passive Posting

click for larger Image Active vs Passive Posting When it comes to public exposure for your photographs there are several dynamics at play. The analogue I think of is that of a high school dance.    Those people who arrive with a date will be able to dance every dance whether fast or slow. Additionally, in most cases, they know who they are going to leave with.    Around the perimeter of the room are the clusters of boys who don’t have the courage to ask a girl to dance. In a similar way there are the groups of girls who are waiting to be asked. They all will eventually leave alone or with their accustomed friends.  They are all passively waiting for something to happen to them.  Some guys, the jocks and cool actors, will seek out the popular girls and become the example of what everyone else dreams about. The girls make it known they are open to the invitations.  Never underestimate the power of the Wingman or Wingwoman in these social environments.  The Wingman will push