Lincoln Highway vs US 30

Lincoln Highway vs US 30 Photos at When the highway numbering schema was created many different named roads were consolidated under the new monickers. Click for Larger Image The Lincoln Highway began as a major east-west highway connecting Atlantic City, NJ with San Francisco. It traversed 12 states. When the numbered road designations was introduced, the western end-point became Astoria, OR and only the first 9 states remained the same counting from the east. California, Nevada and Utah were replaced by Oregon and Idaho as part of the route. The US 30 route is 3073 miles. Throughout the decades many sections of the original highways have been widened or bypassed to increase traffic volumes and facilitate faster heavier vehicles. The needs of the trucking industry drove the development of flatter profiles and larger radius curves. Tunnels and bridges needed greater carrying capacities. Click for Larger Image My idea of travel is ...