William Penn Highway in Pictures

Photography by Robert Carlson Listed on ClickaSnap.com as Profile Lens4anEye I like to start a project and follow it to wherever it takes me. Many times that means packing the car for a 2 or 3 day long trip and heading out on the generalized path I have chosen. One time it was to follow the Ohio river from Pittsburgh at one end and go to the other at Cairo, In. This blog post covers parts of the national road known as William Penn Highway which extends from New York City to Cincinnati crossing New Jersey and Pennsylvania. Most of the early course has been bypassed, with some segments several times. These photographs document the history of the road from Old to New to US 22 to various Interstate designations. Photo Selection from the William Penn highway Album During the National Highway building program of the 1920s, Pennsylvania build thousands of culverts and bridges to facilitate the roadway. These structures were identified with a brass plaque such as this one....