Bluesky.Social is a Breath of Fresh Air

I had been listing many of my photographs in various platforms such as FB, Medium, Twitter(X), OpenSea as well as the main repository and archive that is ClickASnap. Facebook groups tend to be topic specific so there is only a limited engagement beyond the subject that is of interest to them. Medium is more text and prose oriented so trying to entice readers to read a post which refers to images is typically a lost effort.

OpenSea is a NFT oriented platform and has lost much of its cachet in recent years. I still have several hundred imaged listed there but they get no attention.

The Twitter(X) platform made a dramatic turnabout after Elon Musk purchased it and branded it as a purveyor of Truth and Free Speech. It has become the instrument of vitriol and far-right propaganda. It is not the place to expose ones photography to a wide audience. Well, if those images are violence, sexual or political then it IS the place for them.

Here is where BLUESKY.SOCIAL comes in to play as the new and pleasant public commons. One must hope it doesn't become overrun by vicious expats from X. For now it is a pleasant neighborhood where a photographer can show his/her imagery.

Soon after it was created I created my profile there at the name Lens4anEye and the associated URL of

In that neighborhood, there are many expats from X who fled to a brighter place. Apparently, the angry and hateful ones have stuck to X where their ilk also remains.

Bluesky followers of photography are numerous and my works get plenty of attention, even if not engagement. They seem to be interested in seeing the images but care little for description, narratives or commentary. As on this writing, Bluesky is subscription-free and doesn't pump out massive amounts of adverts. This may change but one would hope they do not go overboard.

Here are two images which are resident at ClickaSnap and can be accesses by clicking the image.


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