Viewing Parameters of a ClickaSnap Photo Platform Profile
Viewing Parameters of a ClickaSnap photo platform profile
This data is for one specific subscriber so other result may vary. The profile is: Lens4anEye
First a few initial conditions. The account presented here has been active since the end of January 2023. At the writing of this article it has been 7 months. About 600 other
subscribers have opted to follow it. There are 1355 images in the set an have collectively had 35,300 views. These views have generated about $126 total revenues.
Some of the statistics which have been gleaned from the sites reporting functions are as follows.
- Over the life of the profile the average daily Paid-view ratio is 40%.
- On a daily basis the ratio can be as high as 70% and as low as 18%.
- Intraday ratios can vary greatly starting out very high and falling in subsequent hours.
- Contrary to conventional wisdom the greater View counts result in the lower Paid-view ratios.
- Currently and until Sept 4 the difference between subscriber views and non-subscriber views can/could be determined from the Notifications. That ratio for this profile has been about 60% subscribers to 40% anonymous visitors.
- Social media marketing (FB, X, Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube, et al) generate Views and Paid-views which arrive as anonymous.
- Anonymous views cannot be Liked or Commented.
- There doesn’t appear to be a significant difference between subscribers and non-subscribers when it comes to conversion from ordinary Views to Paid-views. This suggests to me that the awareness of viewing an image for5 seconds to register a fee has little impact on whether the person actually dwells the 5 second interval.
- Of the approximately 1300 visitors to this profile around 1000 have visited only once. Less than 10% have returned more than 5-10 times.
- This profile follows about 450 other profiles. It only visits about 100 of them. Many profiles are tagged for characteristics such as no images, user not found, cats&dogs, food, flowers, vacay shots, AI gen, less than 50 images, not my interest, favored profile, gt 500, gt 1000. These tags assist with time management when deciding who to check in on.
- Visiting a profile which is new or has only a few images is not productive. They are still in the visitor log so they are able to be located at a later date. Many remain as in compelling as they were after a first visit.
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This is the Railroad Album |
ClickaSnap is a good place to archive your best images and have people get to see them.
The Sellers Market needs some major updates. If you do an offer of free digital downloads, the system will send it but will not let you know it did. Knowing is essential.
Getting your brand out into the real world is the best use for CAS. Building links for your photos with searchable tags will enhance your traffic. That traffic needs to include actual physical sales because pay-per-view revenue is so nominal. 10000 paid views at the highest rate generates $90. At the conversion rate of 40% as mentioned above, that number needs to be 14000 total views, irrespective of how many photos your profile has.
Obviously the more images uploaded the more views you can expect.
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