Likes Are Not the Same as Paid-views

Likes Are Not the Same as Paid-views

Recently ClickaSnap changed its policy for Notifying subscribers when another subscriber viewed a photo. They removed the Notifications.

What used to be about a 50-50 ratio of Subscriber Notifications to Non-subscriber View count is now a complete mystery. The ostensible reason for stopping the View notifications is that some subscribers did not want to get notified. That stance may have derived from having to clear each and every notification one-by-one. Yes, having to do that was a nuisance when dozens to hundreds of notification were posted.

Having to clear each notification separately was made onerous earlier in 2023 when the system stopped clearing the blue dot each time a notification way viewed. Some subscribers, myself included, asked for a "Clear All" Button. We got that function at the same time as losing View Notifications. That function would have satisfied people who wanted to not have so many Notifications to clear.

Incidentally, subscribers used to have the ability to choose which notifications to get and how frequently they would be posted. This was in the Profile config.

We have been promised access to Google Analytics for over 9 months now and have not been able to get any feed back though it. Without adequate information we are traveling blind through the marketing maze of ClickaSnap.

One attitude which has been presented on the Facebook Group is "subscribers should be more concerned with high-quality photography and being available to be seen" than about the revenue which can be generated. While quality work is in high regard also knowing what viewers are looking at helps make that quality. The way is stands today, there is no way for a subscriber to know which photos are being seen unless the viewer is also a subscriber AND clicks Like. Non-subscribers cannot Like or Comment and therefore are invisible. Non-subscribers (at least in my case) are about half of the total viewers.

There is also no way to inform new subscribers that Liking a photo is not the same as a long View without appearing to pander and beg. My long span average Paid-view ratio is about 41% it regularly dips down below 25% and sometimes goes below 10% on some days.

As subscribers using the ClickaSnap platform for marketing, we deserve a high level of tools to know what people like and what they will spend their time looking at.

My profile is Lens4anEye and has been active since the end of January 2023. Come take a look. 

Stone House with Twin Towers


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