A Few Good ClickaSnap Profiles

A Few Good ClickaSnap Profiles

During my journey with ClickaSnap I have come across many good and great profiles by some really dedicated photographers. Their photographs have come across the Internet through a combination of methods. Early on I utilized the Explore page to see what was out there. I would see a photo which peaked my curiosity and I'd click on it. Many times the results were mediocre and I would lose interest fast. Some of them had so few examples that I was gone in a second. This is not to say I wouldn't and didn't come back later to see what might have been added.

Some of the collections were highly interesting and varied such that I have been encouraged to return many times to see the new additions. If the collection had a sufficient number of pictures I could Follow the Profile and they could see that they were being followed. They had to have their Notifications turned on for that. If i followed them anything they posted would display in my Feed and I would have the opportunity to be prompted by it quality to go see it.

listed below are eleven profile links which have continued to draw my attention. They are in no particular order. There are many more to follow. I'm not linking to any of their photos due to copyright limitations. It is up to you, the reader, to decide for yourself whether they have merit and/or you share a common interest.

My Profile is Lens4anEye


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