Union Station, Washington, DC

Union Station
Washington, DC

Vaulted ceiling of East hall at Union Station, Washington, DC
East Hall of Union Station, Washington, DC

This grand railroad station opened in October, 1909 and features the Beaux-Arts architectural style. More recently is was given a major renovation completed in 1988 after a rood leak caused damage extensive enough to warrant closure until all the work was completed.

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Doors in and around the station have brass door handle plates such as this. The central wheel is the motif of a steam locomotive drive wheel and the two eagles symbolize the United States. 

Grand marble floors and columns maintain the historic decor of this building. 

Union Station serves three rail operations, Amtrak, MARC and Metro Rail. Additionally, there is a parking structure and intercity bus terminal behind the main station. 

One of the features of the renovation is a shopping mall and food court in and under the Center Hall. The deign style was carried from the original building to the new construction.

Curved Stairs to lower level

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Photos are copyright by Robert Carlson. Most are available for purchase for personal use. Email Lens4anEye@modalchoice.com for commercial licensing.


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