Then and Now by Lens4anEye

Then & Now on Lens4anEye

Then and Now by Lens4anEye

photos by Robert Carlson

One of my favorite treatments of photography is the time lapse series. this is where I return to a locations usually years later and get try to get the same photo again. Once and again is typically enough, but some subjects get the full treatment of 3, 4, 5 or more events over many years.

The two photos here are the same Metro Station escalator set at duPont Circle in Washington, DC. the first is circa 2005 and the second is June 2023.

Note: ClickaSnap changed their URL format and these reference are no longer valid

A lot of commuters have ascended and descended those three stairways.

duPont Circle Metro Station escalators     duPont Circle Metro Station escalators
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Photos are copyright by Robert Carlson. Most are available for purchase for personal use. Email for commercial licensing.


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