Left Brain - Right Brain

Left Brain - Right Brain


My left brain writes a story, punctuates the sentences and proofs the content. My right brain sees the the pictures and focuses the camera to capture the images which are also the story. In reality it is usually the image side leading the context side through to the final presentation. 

It takes both sides working simultaneously to get the job done. One cannot exist without the other. They say a picture is worth a thousand words but getting the picture takes far longer. I’m my world a picture is worth a thousand miles.

<=== Click here for larger image ===


The usual approach is to select a destination, choose the mode of transportation and hit the road or airways, et al. While my right brain is busy getting the photography just right, my left side is recording what I think about it. Then when the images are done the words can follow. Every image tells a story and every story conjures an image.


Both aspects are essential to getting interest and keeping it.


I have a large Album of these Street Coins for you to see
at this link. Stop in and look around.


  • Everyone can view my photographs at ClickaSnap.  Only subscribers
    can Like and Comment.
  • ClickaSnap offers Free subscriptions which is (currently) necessary
    for purchasing images.
  • Currently, payment through ClickaSnap is only available via PayPal.
  • Non-subscribers can email to Lens4anEye@ModalChoice.com and
    use PayPal, Venmo, Zelle or CashApp.
  • Downloads via email are $5 USD.
  • Creating a Free subscription is the better method of purchasing.


Photos are copyright by Robert Carlson. Most are available for purchase for personal use. Email Lens4anEye@modalchoice.com for commercial licensing.


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