
Photo of the Day

  Greenwood Cemetery in New Orleans My photography is showcased on the platform. Stop by and take a look at Lens4anEye

Lunar New Year The Year of the Dragon

To all my Asian Readers and followers: Have a great celebration. See all my other photos at Image is available on many items at my Merchr store... Lens4anEye Shop    

Photo Selling Platform

When I signed up for using the photo sharing platform I was drawn to to as a place where I could display my photographs and generate sales of prints. The marketing copy said they were a global operation and people would be able to see my work and go to the integrated Seller Shop to purchase what they had just been seeing. A perc was that people who who viewed my pictures long enough would generate a small revenue. At the Free subscription the amount would be $0.001 per view and $0.009 per view at the Pro subscription level. I opted for the Pro subscription and generated about $180 in the first 12 months. It's not a great deal of money but it does pay for the subscription fee (for the current year and now for 2024).  All the work I did to prepare images was not for the token view-fee but for the exposure being on an international, long established platform would get for my photography. In that first 12 month period 45,000 + views were registered with about 46% of the

Buy My Merch at MERCHR

Visit my MERCHR shop of ClickaSnap images and products. Here is the link Here is what it looks like. There are loads of great gift ideas there at reasonable prices. Help spread the word. My email is   My ClickaSnap profile is Lens4anEye and can be seen at              

Merchr Photo Sales Shop for ClickaSnap

  Merchr Photo Sales Shop for ClickaSnap Monday this week, December 11, 2023, ClickASnap rushed its affiliate Merchr sales shop onto the Internet. They may have conducted a modicum of Beta testing but it doesn't show. Multiple oversights were initially obvious. Some have been addressed by Wednesday, but others remain. Image from my Lens4anEye profile at ClickaSnap and product at the Merchr site.   Pro and Seller subscribers must log into the Merchr site every time they want to connect. Initially, there were no "print to paper" options. Only 166 various objects including Matte Canvas (at a high price.) While existing products at the CAS Shop site were available to set up as Merchr products on a one at a time basis, additional images must be uploaded fresh from your computer. This necessitates re-uploading any images not previously a CAS product. After the paper options were added they are located at the 7th of 8 pages of product choices. Frequent products should rise to th

Serving the Niche

 Serving the Niche The way to generate traffic for the pictures you take is to group them by interest, subject or location and aggregate them in topical albums. In this manner you can post the album link in your social media groups and pages for the audience which is already there. In this one example I posted a picture of what I call Legacy Tracks. They are the few remaining segments of the once extensive Pittsburgh Railway Company. What was once over 600 miles of urban and suburban street tracks and private ROW is now relegated to 8 known segments consisting of less than 700 yards of track. Many Pittsburghers miss the heyday of the trolleys. Others hated them and are glad to see the tracks covered in asphalt or pulled and concreted. Description in in the Album Across the nation and internationally there are hundreds of thousands of people who love the beauty and functionality of the streetcars and interurban passenger rail services. They are extremely image oriented. After posting a

It just Goes to Show Ya, You Never Know

It just Goes to Show Ya, You Never Know Marketing efforts for any product or service can take off on a tangent at any time. Just when you think your efforts are not bearing fruit, there it is. So it is with my Lens4anEye profile. National Road Toll House I would post a ClickaSnap image link in my Facebook page and on some of the Groups in which I am a member. It would get a view or two here and there. Even by posting an image in one or other of the "related" ClickaSnap Facebook groups would get nary a view or comment. But then one day I pasted the link to my Braddock album in a Braddock, PA Facebook group and the members of that group rallied to the album and generated over 1000 collective views of 21 photos. It happened all in a 48 hour period before the listing aged down their page and out of view. I tried to do the same approach for my Pittsburgh album in Pittsburgh related groups with only minimal results. Other towns and album subject were likewise disappointi